The National AIDS Council welcomes the passing by the Assemblée Nationale of amendment no. 19 to the statute on sundry social measures (D.M.O.S.) (December 23, 1992). In passing this amendment, which offers HIV screening as a preventive measure for pregnant women and those about to be married, the legislature has aligned itself with NAC proposals made some time ago. In effect, the NAC has always expressed a wish to see HIV screening, widely and regularly offered in normal medical consultations, incorporated into a prevention-focused approach including one-to-one dialogue. Such dialogue makes it possible to provide health advice to HIV-positive individuals, as well as informing the HIV-negative, the vast majority, on how to stay HIV-negative, and on the need to discuss the issue freely with their partner(s).

Note : Amendment no. 19 to the statute on sundry social measures (D.M.O.S.) (December 23, 1992).

1. Article L.154 of the Code of Public Health shall be supplemented by a paragraph as follows: “At the time of the first prenatal examination, after providing information on the risks of infection, a screening test for human immunodeficiency virus shall be proposed to pregnant patients”.

2. Article L. 153 of the Code of Public Health shall be supplemented by a paragraph as follows: “At the time of the prenuptial medical examination, after providing information on the risks of infection, a screening test for human immunodeficiency virus shall be proposed to the future marital partners”.