28 10, 1993

NAC/AFLS press release on the passing by the french Senate of an amendement making the HIV test compulsory for all patients suffering from progressive tuberculosis

28 October 1993|Tags: , , |

Having noted amendment no. 9 voted in by the Senate on October 6, making the HIV test compulsory for all patients suffering from progressive tuberculosis, the French Agency for the Lire la suite

6 01, 1993

Press release on the Assemblée nationale’s passing of the amendment regarding the proposal of HIV screening to pregnant women and those due to be married

6 January 1993|Tags: , , |

The National AIDS Council welcomes the passing by the Assemblée Nationale of amendment no. 19 to the statute on sundry social measures (D.M.O.S.) (December 23, 1992). In passing this amendment, Lire la suite

6 11, 1992

The issue of compulsory screening

6 November 1992|Tags: , |

The problem of obligatory screening for entire populations is an issue which has already been debated. The European Community, the WHO and all scientific and public health bodies have expressed Lire la suite

6 11, 1992

The issue of compulsory screening, signed by the chairman and vice-chairman of the NAC, the director of the ANRS and professor Rozenbaum

6 November 1992|Tags: , |

The problem of obligatory screening for entire populations is an issue which has already been debated. The European Community, the WHO and all scientific and public health bodies have expressed Lire la suite

7 07, 1992

Recommendation and report on the activity of infected healthcare professionnals

7 July 1992|Tags: , , , , |

12 06, 1992

Report equivalent to an opinion on the inclusion of hiv serology data in the SESI annual statistical survey of drug addicts admitted to hospital facilities

12 June 1992|Tags: , , , , , |

1 04, 1992

The decision of the government not to institute compulsory or systematic screening

1 April 1992|Tags: , |

The National AIDS Council welcomes the Government’s decision to refrain from instituting obligatory HIV screening in connection with prenatal and prenuptial medical examinations and during national military service. This decision Lire la suite

18 12, 1991

Opinion and report on obligatory or systematic HIV screening

18 December 1991|Tags: , , |

12 12, 1991

Compulsory HIV screening

12 December 1991|Tags: , , |

The National AIDS Council, having learned that a bill to make human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) screening compulsory in connection with prenatal and prenuptial medical examinations has been tabled and is Lire la suite