10, 1995
06, 1995
The Marseilles court case on refusal to operate on an HIV-positive patient
Concerned by the subject matter of a hearing at the Tribunal Correctionnel[Magistrates’ Court] in Marseilles on June 1, 1995, the National AIDS Council : Stresses that there are no grounds Lire la suite
04, 1995
09, 1994
10, 1993
NAC/AFLS press release on the passing by the french Senate of an amendement making the HIV test compulsory for all patients suffering from progressive tuberculosis
Having noted amendment no. 9 voted in by the Senate on October 6, making the HIV test compulsory for all patients suffering from progressive tuberculosis, the French Agency for the Lire la suite
09, 1993
Joint NAC/AFLS press release on the Benetton “HIV-positive” campaign
Benetton’s launch of an advertising campaign based around images of the human body tattooed with the words "HIV-positive". The French Agency for the Fight against AIDS (AFLS) and the National Lire la suite